Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Depression Glass Exhibit and Sale, Kansas City July 2015

Shown: Photo from the National Depression Glass Conference, 2015

One way to find the rare items is to connect with antique glass dealers.  These people are very familiar with the glass manufacturers of the Depression Era, and know what they are selling.  I did find some items at the conference, but prices were typically on the high end.

I was able to aquire a Divided Oval dish through my contact who was one of the dealers at the conference.  You can contact them and ask them for certain items.  If you end up finding your rarities, I assure you that the price will be pretty high.  The conference did charge a small entry fee of $8 this year, but it was worth it seeing all the amazing glassware. 

Next year the National Depression Glass Association will have it's event in Ohio. 

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